Little Red Wagon Repairman

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To bad you don't live near me. There's this little restraint. like 7 tables small, called "The Little Polish Dinner". They only stay open until 7 pm, and only serve certain things on certain days. Saturday is chicken papirkash, and during Lent, the best fish fries. Unbelievably good meatloaf, and Golumpki. Best part is, the prices are very good, and it's next to a bar. Most of it is carry out, because it is cramped.

Hey Mr Dayster, most ethnic humor makes sense to me and I can figure why certain people are made fun of. But, what is the origin of the dumb Polak? I've never noticed they were dumber than anyone else. They would probably fare pretty well in an ethnic battle on Jeopardy against the neanderthal Russians in my family. That would be a good episode because I assure you there would be a fight.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Hey Mr Dayster, most ethnic humor makes sense to me and I can figure why certain people are made fun of. But, what is the origin of the dumb Polak? I've never noticed they were dumber than anyone else. They would probably fare pretty well in an ethnic battle on Jeopardy against the neanderthal Russians in my family. That would be a good episode because I assure you there would be a fight.
Honestly dude, I have no idea. My wife is part Polish, and she's got a masters degree. Maybe it comes from WWII, and the German invasion, but otherwise, I am not aware of anything in particular they've done.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
If a person prided themselves in making chicken salad out of chicken shit would you allow them to serve you food?
No, but I would let them have all of the shit my chickens dropped, as long as they cleaned it up.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
That’s very generous of you to indirectly donate all that chicken salad. Somewhere up in the clouds Jesus is smiling.
Here's a little something for you. On the J Giels album, "Love Stinks", there a song called "No Anchovies, Please". If you have it, or had it on vinyl, and you play that song, after the line in the song "he finds himself in a strange land", you hear some gibberish. If you play that backwards, it says, and I had the album, and did it myself, it says, "can you tell the difference between chicken shit, and chicken salad?". No shit, heard it myself.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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White American Women need to buy this multi-disc educational set of Blu-rays. Most of our cunts here are such lost causes that box set needs to be big enough to be rolled out on wheels. Any female who refers to herself as a "Challenging Woman" also outed herself as a pain in the ass. Avoid at all costs unless you're an eternal masochist... and also a big dummy.
